Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wikis in Plain English


Dawn Falanco said...

Every year I give my students a biography research project to do over winter vacation. Perhaps, now I can break them up into groups of 3 and have them work on a group biography project using wikis. Students can first post possible biography candidates.Then, each student will be given a specific role to find certain information about their person. Such as, admirable qualities, the most important lesson they learned from the way this person lived, or whether this person made any major mistakes or bad decisions in their lifetime. Students will be able to collaboratively edit work on this assignment, filter out unneeded information while learn the benefits of teamwork.

celeste said...

That wiki was awesome! I love the camping theme since I am a camper. I will introduce wikis to my students, exactly the same way I was introduced. I will then suggest that they create a wiki relating to how one might prepare for an exam.

Ms. Medina's Corner said...

The video I watched on you tube really helped me understand what a wiki is. Thanks

Judy said...

Great explanation of WIKIS. Very exciting.


RFanning said...

I personally would not use wikis with my students. I find the concrete answer system of the blog to be much more desirable. i feel that since a student can alter the information on the wiki they then may disrupt the education of another student, by potentially adding false information. But with a blog they could only comment and then allow student to open a dialogue about the information.

pfaltom said...

I would use wikis in my classroom because I know what the population is like and I know what their interests are. This wiki does not come any simpler. I would set up class assignment that they must participate in.

Migdalia's Blog Spot said...

Wikis is great when working on a project with a classroom. Children can see changes made right away by editing. It is amazing to see all that is avalable to us in technology.