Sunday, October 5, 2008

Do you know about Twitter?

Follow me on Twitter at


Danielle said...

I feel that twitter was not a bad communication site on the internet today. I like how you can see what your friends or classmates were up to during their day. On the other hand it was a little wierd to have people following me everyday but the more I thought about it how is that different from myspace or facebook? It was a nice experience to try even though I didnt follow it as much as I should have.

Elizabeth said...

Twitter was a good experience for me. I liked how we were able to communicate with our classmates. I was able to update easily throughout the week. I will stay on twitter and update from time to time. I agree that twitter can be used in the classroom with students. It just needs to be structured and controlled by the teacher. It is a good way for students to communicate with one another.

Elizabeth said...

Twitter was a good experience to me. I was able to update my page easily throughout the week. I even changed my background color! It is a good way to communicate with classmates. I will stay on twitter and update from time to time. I think it is good to use with students in the classroom and at home, as long as it is controlled. This needs to be done by the teacher. They need to make sure the children understand what they can cannot do. If it goes as planned I think twitter can be successful.

JoeyGuitars said...

I thought the site was ok but leaves alot of room for solicitation from people who analyze your profle and try to delve into places they shouldn't be. It would be a good site for new students to a new school or class to informally meet if it ca be controlled.

Unknown said...

I thought it was a great instructional video which demonstrated the Twitter's features very clearly. For someone like myself who is very new to all this technology, I was very comfortable with Twitter. I liked that unlike Facebook, you didn't have to share too much information. I did invite all my friends on my email list, but no one complied.

JoeyGuitars said...

Thought the site was ok but I should have toned down the profile because I think a lot of solicitors use it for reasons that this sight is not intended for. Otherwise, I think it's good to help students to a new class or school to informally introduce themselves with snippets of their lives.

Anonymous said...

This is the 50th time I've tried to post, let's see if it works!

I think Twitter would be a great way for students to communicate with one another about assignments and a way for them to discuss assignments and/or ask quesitons, as well as building writing/reading fluency.

Leslie said...

Had already viewed all videos, loved Help Desk. Hysterical. Can relate. As far a Twitter goes, it is cute, but probably will not use it after this semester. When I was the age of the targeted group, there was no internet and we did not have personal computers. We had a telephone, land line. Remember? My daughter and one of her guy friends thought it was funny when I signed up for Twitter. He said, "Your Mom is on Twitter?" Like OMG!! I would like to create a blog and set up Skype with my best friend in Massachusetts. Need a web cam.

saab9178 said...

This was actually a really helpful video simplistically explaining the actual concept behind twitter. I was confused as to the purpose of this tool and came to realize, by watching the clip, that there is no actual purpose and this is basically a medium for social networking! Im not sure Im sold when considering using this on the day to day, but is always nice to try and learn something new?

saab9178 said...

Samantha Blake says: This was actually a really helpful video simplistically explaining the actual concept behind twitter. I was confused as to the purpose of this tool and came to realize, by watching the clip, that there is no actual purpose and this is basically a medium for social networking! Im not sure Im sold when considering using this on the day to day, but is always nice to try & learn something new!

hudaj said...

I enjoyed our exploration of twitter for a week.I might even continue posting for the rest of the semester.I think that Twitter is not as advanced as things like face book and my space but it does have its advantages.The good thing about twitter is it allows you to get to learn about someone by just reading their simple answer to a simple question...WHAT ARE YOU DOING? It is easy and to the point.I think Twitter is a good way for students to introduce themselves to one another in the begining of the year.Students can also use this site to communicate with one another about classes and assignments.I think that if used responsibly and properly Twitter can be positively used in the classroom

ChristinaD said...

Twitter was an okay experience for me. On a positive note, it is a great communication site if you simply want to let friends know what you are doing at a specific moment in time. It is also simple to set-up and easy to navigate. However, for me it was a little awkward posting what I was doing every few hours. I kept thinking to myself, "does anyone really care that I am working on my paper?" Furthermore, I think if you are looking to get to know someone better, sites such as, Facebook is the better option. Aside from posting your status, you can also post blogs, videos, pictures, and music. Students can even join different groups and support causes that are important to them. Since I am already a member of Facebook, I probably will not continue to use Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I can't really say that I see Twitter being useful in anyway. I can't imagine that the world cares that I (or anybody) am reading a book, eating a sandwich or washing my feet. We all know the ultimate use of Twitter will be to target people for advertising. It's the same reason why sites like youtube, myspace, facebook, etc. got themselves purchased for kajillions of dollars.

nicole antonucci said...

I enjoyed working on twitter this week. To be honest I don't know many people in the class and twitter allowed me to get to know my classmates on a more personal level. I learned that some people bought Halloween costumes for their children, others watched the basebal playoffs cheering for the Red Sox, and that today was someone's birthday. I enjoyed sharing information with my classmates, learning about them, and seeing what we have in common. I probably wouldn't have learned this infomation if it wasn't for twitter.
As an educator, I believe twitter can be a useful tool in the classroom. It would allow me as the teacher to better understand the lives of my students. In addition it can be a useful resource to get students feedback and to post additional information about class. I would see how it works before I would recquire students to post updates on twitter.

Unknown said...

twitter is like a simple my space or face book. this is good for some reasons like making it easy those who are not as computer familiar. It is a very plain application and i could see users getting boared very easily. i would probaly not use it on my own. By the way to place a blog post on this site was very difficult, the verification code didn't show up on three computers, thats why it took me so long to post.

Unknown said...

The posted video was informative, and can easily sell a person into at least trying Twitter. It let's the viewer know how it is different than blogs and e-mail, and how it let's people get to know each other better.

I have tried Twitter, and I would like it a lot better if I had not already been exposed to other similar sites like Facebook or MySpace. Those sites both contain status update functions which do exactly what Twitter does, plus much more. Additional features of those sites include better management of followers or friends, and more picture, formatting and other options. I also feel that those sites have better privacy features which prevent unwanted "followers" from viewing your information.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I love this video. It's so simple and funny. Twitter is a new way to communicate and keep in touch with other people for me. I use email, blog and instant messager every day, so I don't think I will use twitter so much. But It's an exciting experience for me to know what twitter is. Since teenagers love twitter, I will try to use twitter for teaching in the near future.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed using twitter for this little experiment, but I do not see it as that useful of a tool both in and out of the classroom. There are more interactive community websites on the internet with better security. As a teacher, I do not want the students knowing my every move and vice versa. Also, I do not need to see what my friends are doing at all times. If I am that interested, I will just call them. However this video was helpful in learning how to use twitter.

Lenny said...

I just saw Twitter as a combination of text messages and Instant Messages. Perhaps in an office. It is pretty easy to use and I saw some people really get into it. Unfortunately it is a form of communication that lacks practicality in my opinion. There are faster and more effective ways to communicate. I do not like the "following" option at all. I am not a fan of people wanting or needing to know what other people are doing 24/7. It is just a personal thing I suppose, but the less information that I put on the internet, the safer I am from getting into trouble, or bringing unwanted attention. People may really like twitter, that's fine, but I am not one of them. If I want to get to know people, I would rather talk to them in person or by some sort of verbal communication.

Jennifer said...

Being an avid user of Facebook, Gmail chat, AIM, and other internet sources, I enjoyed twitter for the simple fact that it is a great way to communicate with friends. It is a simple way to let friends know where you are and what you are doing, and to keep up with friends as well. Although I am partial to Facebook, considering I have been a Facebook user since 2004, Twitter was a good way to get to know my classmates better. It is a great ice breaking device, especially for this class, and it could be used in other classes. I feel that I will keep up with Twitter because of the way it keeps me connected to the classmates I will only see a few more times. It keeps the on-line class feel, with more connectedness to one another that no other on-line class could possibly have.

Unknown said...

I tried Twitter for about two weeks. I found it to be interesting. I mentioned in one of my posts and now I'm being followed by epicurious, I found that to be weird. Twitter is useful in getting to know others, and I am glad I tried it. It’s good to know what others are using and what is available. Personally I would not use Twitter in a classroom setting, I'd prefer to keep classroom communication through a discussion board, which is more private.

Unknown said...

I must admit that upon first signing up for Twitter and using it for a couple of days I thought it was useless and excessive. After a week or so though, I found myself logging in compulsively! While I think this is an entertaining, and fun, social site, I think there are some strange boundaries being crossed as we advertise our every move. I think that as sites like Twitter increase in popularity, social skills decrease, and people become less likely to interact in traditional ways. I do however feel that used for entertainment purposes (and in moderation!) this site is a cool one that I will continue to use in the future.

Rose said...

Twitter reminds me a Facebook, where you can also update the upcoming events.

Rose said...

Twitter reminds me a Facebook, where you can also update the upcoming events.

Rose said...

I knew nothing Twitters before. It sounds interesting
and I decided to try it. However, I would not want anybody to follow my daily schedule.

Unknown said...

twitter is great for small talk and checking in with people!

Kat Kenny said...

This was helpful to me considering I have never actually understood what Twitter was. I mean I knew the basics, but now I completely get it. I guess it is nice if you want to know what friends and family are doing more often than you actually get to speak to then via a phone or e-mail...It is definitely a way to stay connected.